Road work takes place on Dämbavägen 26/9-29/9 - limited access for cars
Verkegard nature reserve

Magnificent pine forest, sparrowhawks and unusual beetles are some of the features that Verkegards on Fårö offers.

The nature reserve Verkegards is located along road 699 between Broa and Fårö church, and includes a 30-hectare forest area that is strongly characterized by the fact that it was used as pasture for a long time and that all felling took place in the form of clearcutting. Many of the pines in the reserve are 200-250 years old, and some are even up to 300 years old. These old pines are mostly branched and have rough crusted bark; armored bark.

In many of the pines, crows have carved out cavities, and these are now used as nesting sites for wood pigeons, among other things. Up until the 1950s, blue crows also nested in some of these hollow trees. Several unusual well-living beetles have been found in the area, such as relict beetles and blacksmith beetles.


For everyone's well-being and in order to maintain the reserve's natural and cultural values, it is important that all visitors show consideration. In addition to the right of public access, it is not permitted to:

  • digging, chopping, chiseling, drilling or otherwise damaging land, solid rock or blocks,
  • move or remove stone, block or fossil,
  • drive or park a motor vehicle off designated roads and parking spaces,
  • set up a caravan or spend the night in a motorhome,
  • make an open fire other than in specially prepared fire places.

Source: Gotland County Administrative Board - 2022-01-20


Year of protection: 1998
Parish: Fårö
Character: Coniferous forest
Area: 29 hectares
Landowners: Private
Trustee: The County Administrative Board of Gotland County
Form of protection: Nature reserve and Natura 2000

Reserve manager

In this reserve is Fårö Framtid's reserve manager.
read more here

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