Road work takes place on Dämbavägen 26/9-29/9 - limited access for cars
Update on cycle path on Fårö - Fårö Future

The association Fårö Framtid participated in the Swedish Transport Administration's meeting two weeks ago. The timetable is for them to return in June with information about a workshop in August-September. Ann Lindgren, Ord. and Bengt Öberg, Fårö community association underlined the need for a quick solution to ensure safer cycling from Ekekorset to Ekeviken.

Here is a presentation that was shown during the meeting and below are the views that were raised.
See the powerpoint presentation from the meeting here by clicking here!

  • Focusing on step 1 and step 2 actions does not mean step 3 and step 4 are overlooked. Everything that solves the shortcomings will be investigated, even steps 3 and 4.
  • How to proceed, prioritization?, financing? The investigation is completed, measures are prioritized and linked to a cost estimate. Funding takes place via Region Gotland's county plan (all of Gotland) and is prioritized by the county plan creator (Region Gotland). Deficiencies in road associations or road associations are financed by the association or road association, but co-financing can be granted from the Swedish Transport Administration. There are no municipal roads on Fårö.
  • The project specification is sent to Region Gotland.
  • Coordinate certain measures with investments that TKF (Technology Administration) makes, e.g. VA jobs, exploitation and the like.
  • Tentatively book a date for the workshop. This will be sent out to all of you who receive this email.


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