When you create an account, you currently have access to the following:
Leave comments on posts / articles
Create events
Write about posts / articles
These are always reviewed before publication
Why do you have to register an account? This is to prevent spam on the website, as well as to be able to contact the user if an error occurs or any questions need to be asked.
What happens to the information when you register? Absolutely nothing. The administrators of the website can contact the users through the given email address. That's all.
What happens if you lose the user data? You will be able to press "forgotten password" and receive an email on how to reset it. The administrators have no hand in it at all.
What is allowed and not allowed to publish on hemisdan? Good question! Of course, everything that is published must take place on Fårö when it comes to geographical and posts / articles must of course be Fårör-related. Of course, the site does not allow hatred, racism, sexism, etc.