Nanten's house

Ferdinand Pettersson (1875-1938) was born at Djaupur on Fårö. His father was miller Johan Pettersson (1847-1930) and his mother was Anna, born Andersson (1845-1918). Ferdinand had a brother, Oskar (1887-1907), who drowned at the age of 20 during a hunt for algae at Djaupur. Ferdinand was called "Nanten". When Nanten was a child, he helped mill owner Kristoffer Johansson with the work in Butlexkvarnen.

Nanten became a miller like his father and in 1900 he bought the mill at Butlex which was named "Nanten's mill".

It is said that Nanten was hearing impaired, but several have said that he could hear to some extent and that he could also speak. Diary entries left by Nanten show that he was able to express himself well in writing. He was also known for making clocks.

Nanten died in 1938 of pulmonary tuberculosis and because Fårö parish's health care board was afraid of infection, the house was burned down around 1939-1940.

For a few weekends in April and May 2006, the work team under the leadership of Anders Ruthström has continued with the work of setting the yard around Nanten's house. In the picture it is fr.v. Björn Wrigander, Anders Ruthström, Sievert Hultqvist, Ingvar Söderdahl and Ragnar Kellström who lay stone in the gateposts. Work that will be performed includes new roof on the woodshed and installation of a grindstone. It is a joy to see the fine arrangements that the work team performs at Nantens!

A restoration work on the 30 square meter house was started in 2006 by Fårö Hembygdsförening. On the other side of the road is Nanten's workplace, "Nanten's mill".

Source: Fårö Hembygdsförening

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